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ReInHerit Digital Hub

Scientific Publications


The H2020 ReInHerit project published its results in a series of scientific publications. Here we present the list of publications, with links to their Open Access versions.

You can also easily access them all via our Zenodo page, available here:

  • Alberto Baldrati, Marco Bertini, Tiberio Uricchio, & Alberto Del Bimbo. (2022, September 27). Effective conditioned and composed image retrieval combining CLIP-based features.  
  • Alberto Baldrati, Marco Bertini, Tiberio Uricchio, & Alberto Del Bimbo. (2022, August 23). Conditioned and composed image retrieval combining and partially fine-tuning CLIP-based features.
  • Leonardo Galteri, Lorenzo Seidenari, Pietro Bongini, Marco Bertini, and Alberto Del Bimbo. (June 2022). LANBIQUE: LANguage-based Blind Image QUality Evaluation. ACM Trans. Multimedia Comput. Commun. Appl. 18, 2s, Article 116, 19 pages.​3538649
  • Lorenzo Agnolucci, Leonardo Galteri, Marco Bertini, & Alberto Del Bimbo. (2022, October 10). Restoration of Analog Videos Using Swin-UNet.
  • Maria Giovanna Donadio, Filippo Principi, Andrea Ferracani, Marco Bertini, & Alberto Del Bimbo. (2022, October 10). Engaging Museum Visitors with Gamification of Body and Facial Expressions.
  • Pietro Bongini, Federico Becattini, & Alberto Del Bimbo. (2023, February 15). Is GPT-3 All You Need for Visual Question Answering in Cultural Heritage?.  
  • Alberto Baldrati, Marco Bertini, Tiberio Uricchio, & Alberto Del Bimbo. (2022, October 30). Exploiting CLIP-Based Multi-modal Approach for Artwork Classification and Retrieval.  
  • Federico Becattini, Pietro Bongini, Luana Bulla, Alberto Del Bimbo, Ludovica Marinucci, Misael Mongiovì, & Valentina Presutti. (2023). VISCOUNTH: A Large-Scale Multilingual Visual Question Answering Dataset for Cultural Heritage.  
  • Konstantinos Roussos, & Irini Stamatoudi. (2022). Management Issues for Cultural Heritage Institutions (This is a draft chapter. The final version is available in Research Handbook on Intellectual Property and Cultural Heritage edited by Irini Stamatoudi, published in 2022, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.  
  • Mazzanti, P., Bertini, M., Baldrati, A., Agnolucci, L., Ferracani, A., Principi, F., & Bongini, P. (2023, maggio 26). The ReInHerit Toolkit: Artificial Intelligence and a people-centered approach for cultural engagement. Extended Intelligence for Cultural Engagement (ExICE), Bologna, Italy.​5281/zenodo.7973664
  • M. Bertini, P. Mazzanti, “Improving Museum Visitors’ Engagement using Computer Vision Tools”, Proc. of Digital Research in the Humanities and Arts (DRHA) International Conference, 10-13 September 2023, Univ. Torino, IT
  • Stamatoudi, I., & Roussos, K. (2023). Dealing with Illicit Tradein Cultural Objects in the Context of Cultural Heritage Management for Museums. Santander Art and Culture Law Review, 2/2023((9)), 87–116.  
  • Harfst, J., Sandriester, J., Zuanni, C., & Krottmaier, S. (2022). Nachhaltigkeit als disruptives Konzept im Kultursektor: Digitalisierung und nachhaltiges Kulturerbe-Management. Ökologisches Wirtschaften, 37(4), 30–34.  
  • Stamatoudi, I., & Roussos, K. (2024). Aspects of Informatics in Cultural Heritage Management. Informatics Studies, 11(1), 9–18.  
  • Nikolaou, P. (2024). Museums and the postdigital: revisiting challenges in the digital transformation of museums. Heritage, 7(3), 1784–1800.  
  • Furferi, R., Di Angelo, L., Bertini, M., Mazzanti, P., De Vecchis, K., & Biffi, M. (2024). Enhancing traditional museum fruition: current state and emerging tendencies. Heritage Science, 12(20).  
  • Agnolucci, L., Galteri, L., Bertini, M., & Del Bimbo, A. (2024, March 1). Reference-based Restoration of Digitized Analog Videotapes. 2024 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) (WACV), USA.  
  • Agnolucci, L., Galteri, L., Bertini, M., & Del Bimbo, A. (2024, March 1). ARNIQA: Learning Distortion Manifold for Image Quality Assessment. 2024 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV) (WACV), USA.  
  • Rachabatuni, P., Principi, F., Mazzanti, P., & Bertini, M. (2024, April 17). Context-aware chatbot using MLLMs for Cultural Heritage. 15th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys '24), Bari, Italy.  
  • Baldrati, A., Agnolucci, L., Bertini, M., & Del Bimbo, A. (2023, October 2). Zero-Shot Composed Image Retrieval with Textual Inversion. IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), 2023 (ICCV), Paris, France.  
  • Agnolucci, L., Baldrati, A., Todino, F., Becattini, F., Bertini, M., & Del Bimbo, A. (2023, February 10). ECO: Ensembling Context Optimization for Vision-Language Models. 2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW) (ICCVW), Paris, France.  
  • Cartella, G., Baldrati, A., Morelli, D., Cornia, M., Bertini, M., & Cucchiara, R. (2023, September 5). OpenFashionCLIP: Vision-and-Language Contrastive Learning with Open-Source Fashion Data. Image Analysis and Processing – ICIAP 2023 (ICIAP), Udine, Italy.  
  • Cioni, D., Berlincioni, L., Becattini, F., & Del Bimbo, A. (2023, October 2). Diffusion Based Augmentation for Captioning and Retrieval in Cultural Heritage. 2023 IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW), 2023 (ICCVW), Paris, France.  
  • Agnolucci, L., Baldrati, A., Bertini, M., & Del Bimbo, A. (2023, October 27). Zero-Shot Image Retrieval with Human Feedback. The 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM '23), 2023 (MM), Ottawa, Canada.  
  • Baldrati, A., Bertini, M., Uricchio, T., & Del Bimbo, A. (2023). Composed Image Retrieval using Contrastive Learning and Task-oriented CLIP-based Features. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications, 20(3).  
  • Papadas, S., Papapetrou, A., Frangoudes, F., Polydorou, A., Gavriil, C., Kyriakou, N., & Neokleous, K. (2024, January 1). ReInHerit a Museum: Enhancing Museum Experience and Broadening Audience Participation Through an Immersive Performance using Media-Art, and Augmented Reality. IMET - International Conference on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies (IMET), Barcelona (Spain).

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004545.

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