Project Proposal: Strike A Pose 2.0 Gamification and Playful engagement (AI/CV) | Strike-a-Pose & Face-Fit
The Strike-a-Pose and Face-Fit web apps of the ReInHerit Toolkit were tested and redesigned during a hackathon organised as part of the AI&XR Summer School held in Matera in July 2023.
A multidisciplinary group of young PhD students worked on the theme "Gamification and the playful approach", testing the Strike-a-Pose and Face-Fit apps, using the open-source codes of Digital Hub. During the week, international speakers and famous experts debated and engaged with international students and researchers with different educational content and skills. Young PhD students worked in an interdisciplinary way on the ReInherit web apps Strike-a-Pose / Face-Fit using open-source codes shared by the Digital Hub.
- Ahmed Elhagry MBZUAI, United Arab Emirates
- Elena Spadoni, - Politecnico Milano, Italy
- José Juan Reyes Cabrera, Centro de Tecnologías de la Imagen - ULPGC, Spain
- José Miguel Santana Núñez Centro de Tecnologías de la Imagen - ULPGC, Spain
- Tim Schoonbeek, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
The Strike-a-Pose 2.0 project proposal was awarded as the best and evaluated according to criteria of coherence, originality and innovation, technological quality and communication skills.
During the week, international speakers and famous experts debated and engaged with international students and researchers with different educational content and skills.
- Marco Bertini Media Integration and Communication Center, UNIFI IT
- Paolo Mazzanti Media Integration and Communication Center, UNIFI IT
- Filippo Principi Media Integration and Communication Center, UNIFI IT
- with the support of Luca Melchionna - “Machineria - Stories that Work"
- coordinated by Raffaele Vitulli MateraHUB
This co-creation process added new technological developments for apps and user interaction scenarios, improving engagement, inclusivity and new design features The project proposal, entitled Strike-a-Pose 2.0, aims to increase gamification by guiding users in interacting with museum artefacts, recreating the poses of characters from famous paintings. Starting from the existing applications of the ReInherit Toolkit, the team focused on providing more instructions to the user in interacting with the application, improving the codes and design. The project has the purpose of Increasing entertainment, promoting edutainment and stimulating young people to visit museums.
During the hackathon, professionals and experts were invited to chat via the Digital Hub Forum to support students as they work, answering questions and sharing ideas and suggestions in a co-creative and interdisciplinary approach.
Strike A Pose and Face-Fit video presentation: