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European Heritage Label: promotion of European history and heritage


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Type of best practice
Cooperation between Museums and Heritage sites

european heritage, cultural heritage, history, label


European Heritage Label (EHL) sites bring to life the European narrative and the history behind it. European Heritage sites are milestones in the creation of today’s Europe. Spanning from the dawn of civilisation to the Europe we see today, these sites celebrate and symbolise European ideals, values, history and integration. Since 2013, these sites have been selected for their symbolic value, the role they have played in European history and activities they offer. These sites bring the European Union and its citizens closer together.

Organisation in charge of best practice


2013 to date


The EHL began as an initiative of several national governments to improve knowledge of European history and the role and values of the EU.
In 2008 the European Commission began, at the invitation of the Council of Ministers, examining the possibility of adopting the scheme at an EU level. Following a proposal to the European Parliament and Council, the EHL was formally established in 2011. The first selection of sites took place in 2013. So far 38 sites have been designated. The next selection will be in 2019.
Every 2 years, participating countries pre-select a maximum of 2 sites. Following this, an independent panel of experts who make up the jury at EU level may select a maximum of 1 site from each country.
The sites are assessed according to three main criteria:

  • the symbolic European value of a site
  • the quality of the project proposed to promote its European dimension
  • the quality of the work plan.

EHL sites bring to life the European narrative and the history behind it. They are about much more than just aesthetics.

The focus is on the promotion of the European dimension of the sites and providing access to them. This includes organising a wide range of educational activities, especially for young people.
European Heritage sites can be enjoyed singly or as part of a network. Visitors can get a real feel for the breadth and scale of what Europe has to offer and what it has achieved.


Resources needed
Human resources to compile the application for EHL for submission to the member states national coordinators that are responsible to select the 2 candidates per participating country. It is envisaged that 1-2 person-months are adequate resources to develop and document the application form.

Challenges encountered
EHL has the potential to create new & innovative cultural heritage tourism products , particularly for lesser known destinations.

Evidence of success
EHL sites are milestones in the creation of today’s Europe. Spanning from the dawn of civilization to the Europe we see today, these sites celebrate and symbolise European ideals, values, history and integration. Since 2013, 38EHL sites have been carefully selected for their symbolic value, the role they have played in the European history and activities they offer that bring the EU and its citizens closer together.

Potential for transfer
There European Heritage Label may be awarded to three types of site: - Single sites – covering individual applications within a single EU countrya - National thematic sites – multiple sites in one EU country with a clear thematic link - Transnational thematic sites – multiple sites in several EU countries with a clear thematic link OR a single site located on the territory of at least two EU countries Sites can include: - Monuments - natural, underwater, archaeological, industrial or urban sites - cultural landscapes - places of remembrance - cultural goods and objects and the intangible heritage associated with a place.

Further Information

Get in touch

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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004545.

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