4. The Travelling Exhibition - Step 4
Step 4: Have a look at the non technical requirements
- Exhibition furniture: Find the technical drawings and all the requirements of the architecture at the Exhibition Architecture Manual.
- Fire proof projection textile
- Telescopic rods, mount for the projector, frame for the textile
- The exhibititon needs a darkened or dimmed room: Have a look if the room is already dark enough, if not, try to take all possible arrangements to darken the room.
- The implementation of analogue interactions, which suit the topic of the exhibition, form a good contrast to the digital offer.
- Workshops with different target groups raise new perspectives and make the topics more vivid and tangible.
- There is always an option to add original objects of your institution or a reproduction. It shows the advantages and differences between the representations. A reproduction, for example, can be touchable, the original cannot be replaced easily, therefore a very specific atmosphere emanates from it, and a digital representation can show details that would otherwise remain hidden to the spectator.