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ReInHerit Digital Hub

Museums Up - ReInHerit’s Podcast episode 25: "Digital sustainability in museums"

ReInHerit Project

Publication date
November 21, 2023

Terms of reuse
MIT - CC BY 4.0

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Prof. Conxa Rodà, former head of strategy and digital innovation at the @museunacional of Art in Catalonia, and professor at the @uocuniversitat of Catalonia, will give us valuable guidelines on how to ensure the longevity of digital initiatives in museums, address key challenges in digital sustainability, and mitigate the environmental impact of digital strategies through green measures in the cultural sector.

Listen now at: and also on podcast platforms Spotify, Apple, Google, Amazon and Samsung.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004545.

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