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Strike a Pose

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ReInHerit Project

Publication date
February 27, 2023

Terms of reuse
MIT - CC BY 4.0

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Strike-a-pose is a web application which performs analysis and evaluation of human poses compared to poses present in famous paintings or statues. 

Strike-a-Pose can be made available on the visitors' smartphone, following the “Bring Your Own Device” (BYOD) approach. The system can be used also in a dedicated environment in a gallery, using a standard PC equipped with a large screen and a camera. The same code base is used for the two setups, easing the maintenance of the application. The goal of having the application executing also on mid-level phones means that there’s no need for powerful workstations in case it is used as an installation.  The design of the interface adapts to the two different modalities, providing both a vertical interface suitable for a mobile phone and a horizontal one for installation and desktop.

The application exploits a gamification paradigm with the educational purpose of getting users interested in works of art using fun. Once registered, the user is challenged to reproduce in sequence the poses of some artworks from the museum's collections. The skeleton of both the artwork and the visitor can be displayed on the screen in order to facilitate the user in matching the various points and segments. Matching the poses provides the descriptions of each artwork. The poses to be matched are organized in sets of challenges, e.g. challenges to replicate poses using the whole body, using only the torso (e.g. to allow also wheelchair users to interact), or any other type of challenge that is considered interesting by the museum curators (e.g. based on thematic collections). Once all the poses have been matched, the application allows the user to generate a video that can be saved for any social sharing. The video shows the user matching process and the overall interactive experience lived at the museum. The basic application can be adapted to provide variations of the gamification, e.g. introducing a competition between different users. An example of screenshots of the basic app are shown in the following figure.

User is challenged to reproduce in sequence the poses of some artworks from the museum'scollections. Once all the poses have been matched, the application allows the user to generate a video that can be saved for any social sharing and provide info on the artworks.

Strike a Pose WebApp

Strike a Pose WerbApp - The user trying to strike the pose in the painting (playing in “easy" mode, with visible skeletons - Challenge completed: download the video.

The application has been developed in JavaScript on the client side and in Python on the server side. Pose detection on the human bodies is achieved using TensorflowJS detection API exploiting the pose detection model, MoveNet. MoveNet is a very fast and accurate model that detects 17 key points of a body. The model is used in the variant “Lightning” intended for latency-critical applications and runs faster than real time (30+ FPS) on most modern desktops, laptops, and phones. The model runs completely client-side in the browser; this allows us to run the whole computer vision task on the device of the user, providing a better user experience thanks to the reduced latency for the pose analysis. Server-side an SQLLite database is used to store artworks' collections, challenges and artworks' metadata and descriptions. Communication between the knowledge-base and the interface is ensured through RESTful APIs developed in Flask. The video is created server side. 

The base interface, implemented in HTML can be adapted by different users, maintaining the computer vision functionalities, so as to allow customization by different museums. The web interface is designed to be responsive and adapt to different devices.

Use state-of-the-art AI techniques that can run on mobile devices, to follow BYOD approach. App doesn’t ask for personal data, no logging of personal data, performing as much as possible computation on end-user devices, as explained in the Privacy Policy .

Strike a Pose - Privacy Policy

Strike a Pose - Privacy Policy

User is able to create a room by selecting the number of participants (clients) i.e. whether to interact alone (Solo) or a challange with another user (Versus), setting the number of poses the number of rounds and the level of half bust or full body of the artwork. Once the room is created, user can share the id number to invite participants.

Strike a Pose - Setting the room

Strike a Pose - Setting the room

Museum is able to access the Admin Dashboard to directly manage user interaction artworks.

Strike-a-pose - Admin Dashboard

Strike-a-pose - Admin Dashboard

Usage Example

App requires a server to host the mobile app and to provide the RESTful APIs of the backend. A QR code can be used to avoid typing the URL of the web apps.

The application is composed of a backend that manages the challenges and a front-end that runs on mobile devices. A schema of the main components of the backend and front end is shown in the following figures:

Main components of the backend and front-end of Strike-a-pose

Main components of the backend and front-end of Strike-a-pose

The interface is completely written in HTML5. The computer vision task of matching the pose of the user with the pose of the artworks of the challenge can be implemented completely using the Tensorflow JS executed in the browser. The creation of the video produced upon successful completion of the challenge is performed server-side.  The backend implements a RESTful API using Flask, and is fully implemented in Python. This eases the integration of several other libraries to access the database of the challenges, using SQLAlchemy and to create the final videos using OpenCV**.** Challenges are maintained in the DB, e.g. allowing to pick poses that require to use only the upper body (e.g. to allow also people with mobility issues to play) or with full body. 

jQuery and Bootstrap are the main components used to design the interface and provide user interaction with the GUI, Webcam Easy JS allows to connect to the webcam through the browser and Tensorflow JS is the workhorse to implement the computer vision functionalities.

Guidelines for reuse

The simplest type of reuse is substituting the selected sample artworks with those of the collection of the museum/organization that desires to customize the apps, along with the associated information. Setup of the apps is based on Docker, to simplify the installation of the backend. 

It is possible to extend the apps introducing new types of challenges, e.g. combining classes of artworks, creating collections of artworks according to some criterion. The challenges of Strike-a-pose can be changed to follow some other criterion other than using full/upper/lower body parts, e.g. according to styles or time. 

Changing the GUIs is relatively easy, since it is needed to update the HTML5 of Strike-a-pose or the Kivy code of Face-fit.

Source Code

Free Codes of the App are available here:


Demo is available at this link (using Chrome or Firefox browser): :

For more information and support contact MICC - Media Integration and Communication Center, University of Florence, Italy

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101004545.

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